P. Stefan Zara. Teologia Patristica. Gânduri şi Studii de Teologie Patristică.
We are pleasant of announce the begin of the new blog written by P. Stefan Zara:
Teologia Patristica
Gânduri şi Studii de Teologie Patristică
The past October 12 2009, without any advise or explanation, the blogs Teologie Patristica and the former Patrologia Latina, Graeca et Orientalis was closed by the WordPress free service. Then, P. Stefan, and the moderators of this website consider the best for all to still working in our own domain and with our own tools, looking to contribute with all our visitors in the grown of the Patristic/Patrological studies.
We are sure this notice will make happy to these visitors, who previously was able to find in the P. Stefan Zara’s blog a precious and useful source for empowering their own researches and studies.
¡Best regards, dear P. Stefan, and welcome again!