Bibliotheca Pretiosa
Taking all the advantages provided by the Scribd’ API, the PLGO community has been working in the LibScribd project since September 2010, and through different steps in the development of such projects, finally the past May 3, 2014, we merge the Bibliotheca Pretiosa with our former LibScribd Project.
There you will find all the contents included in our Scribd account, but minimizing to the limit the difficulties to place and access our documents, avoiding unwanted advertisement banners and pop-ups.
Indexing, organizing and reviewing our contents, we hope still helping the Academical Community.
We are convinced too that LibScribd/Bibliotheca Pretiosa is a great and useful step to afford this goal. Our minimal web template allow browse quickly and easily between our contents, and optimizes too the ‘full screen’ reading, displaying the contents with the best results in any screen.
This Bibliotheca is available directly in this address.