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- Analecta classica. Viitorul apartine trecutului.
- Marius Cruceru …fără cravată
- Recursos Teológicos. Temas actuales de Teología, noticias, desarrollo…
- Lanternativa
- blogul lui laurentiu dumitru …lipeşte-ţi urechea de inima ta şi auzi-L pe El, care te caută şi bate la uşa ei…
- Teologie pentru azi. Un blog crestin-ortodox pentru o lume postmoderna dinamica si bulversanta.
- ETANA. Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives.
- ABZU. Abzu is a guide to networked open access data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world.
- Chipul nemuritor al lui Dumnezeu. Blogul Pr. Gabriel.
- Namatian. The Transition to Late Antiquity.
- Dranik. Pe cale…
- Fran Decker. Warner Memorial Library. Church History. This is one of several guides to support the Christian Studies, Mission & Anthropology, and Youth Ministry Departments.
- Adrian Murdoch. Bread and Circuses. Adventures in the later Roman Empire.