The PLGO Community has been collecting through its Scribd’ account, a valuable set of collections related to the Patrological/Patristic field.
The main goal to do that is provide to visitors, friends and members, an optimal access to these resources, some times spare in different places/sites.
Some collections counts only few items. The minimum limit proposed to allow some big work to be included as ‘Collection’ is count 4 or more volumes/items. Works with only 3 volumes or less, are added to some other generic collections, as the rich ‘Individual Works, Studies, Monographies‘, which list +470 items.
Other collections may include some hundred of items, as the Patrologiae Cursus Completus Series Latina, digitized by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (PIMS), with 220 items, or the Revue des études byzantines (REB) which include 244 articles related directly with Patristical/Patrological issues.
All the items belonging to our Scribd account are publicly available to any visitor. The only requirement to get a copy of any of them for individual use/study is own a Scribd account, which may be registered for free.
Due to the amount of pages of some items in our collections (commonly, +500), the Scribd service may suffer some leaks, or hangs when a document is opened to be viewed online. To avoid this, use a high-speed internet connection, be sure that your browser and flash plugin are updated, and, if your goal is to download directly an item to be read from your pc, soon as the first pages loads and the ‘download’ bottom will be activated, request the download of the item.
We verify that our items do not have any display error. But by alien reasons to us, the Scribd system some times do not deliver the requested item to a ‘download’ requirement. If this is your case, please, contact us.
Finally, the goal of our community is to provide a thematic online library with 5,000 active items to the 2015 year. If you have some suggestion of items to be added into the Bibliotheca Pretiosa, please contact the administrative staff in order to add such items to the library.
Thanks in advance.
The PLGO Administrative Team.