Greek ecclesiastical historians of the first six centuries of the Christian era. 1843.
Greek ecclesiastical historians of the first six centuries of the Christian era (1843)
Volumes: 6
Subject: Christian literature, Early; Church history
Publisher: London, Bagster
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
Language: English
Call number: 518631
Book contributor: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Collection: princeton; americana
Scanfactors: 3
–Vol. I. Life of Constantine from 306 to 337 A.C., by Eusebius Pamphilus.
–Vol. II. Ecclesiastical history to 324 A.D., by Eusebius. 4th ed.
–Vol. III. History of the church from 306 to 445 A.D., by Socrates.
–Vol. IV. History of the church from 324 to 440 A.D., by Sozomen.
–Vol. V. History of the church from 322 to 427 A.D., by Theodoretus.
–Vol. VI. History of the church from 431 to 594 A.D., by Evagrius Scholasticus