[Useful sites] Gallica and Gallica2
The version 2 includes a ‘account’ feature that allows to save our records in a personalized list, for a quick access, view or download. This service is open to all the community, and is not necessary to have an id or acces-card of the library.
The first version of Gallica don’t include the feature ‘create account’. Is more simple, and the navigation must be a little difficult.
The second version has changed even the colors of bottoms, and the menu navigation is distributed more efficiently.
The custom library, made with our favorite volumes is designed to locate easy and quickly the volumes saved. The list, as long as i can see, only allows to display 10 titles per page…
The account creation is very very easy. Inclusive, is not necessary at all to have an e-mail working, the format ask for it, but the activation of the account is immediate.