Bibliotheca Pretiosa: new additions.

The PLGO Community is adding some contents to the Bibliotheca Pretiosa. Our goal is provide, through our own server & domain, all the contents available in the Scribd account. At this time, the items available through the Scribd service count 4,287, between books and articles, in the future, we hope…

Catenae Graecorum patrum in Novum Testamentum

CATENÆ GRÆCORUM PATRUM IN NOVUM TESTAMENTUM. EDIDIT J. A. CRAMER. S. T. P. AULÆ NOVI HOSPITII PRINCIPALIS, NECDUM HISTORIÆ MODERNÆ PROFESOR REGIUS. OXONII, E TYPOGRAPHEO ACADEMICO. M. DCCC. XLIV. Catenae Graecorum patrum in Novum Testamentum (Volume 1) – Cramer, J. A. (John Anthony), 1793-1848 26 Keywords: New Testament Downloads: 8…