Hottinger. Thesaurus philologicus, seu clavis scripturae. 1649.

Bibliographic Metadata Title Thesaurus philologicus, seu clavis scripturae / authore Joh. Henrico Hottingero, Tigurino Author, Contributor Hottinger, Johann Heinrich Imprint Tiguri : typis Joh. Jacobi Bodmeri, anno 1649 Description [10] Bl., 616 S. ; 20 cm (4°) Language Latin Owner of original copy Zentralbibliothek Zürich, 7.146 Persistent Identifier (DOI) 10.3931/e-rara-10823…

Leal. Test di Patrologia [Online].

Il Prof. Jerónimo Leal è docente di Patrologia e Storia della Chiesa Antica e Direttore del Dipartimento di Storia della Chiesa (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce). Nato a Madrid (Spagna) e laureato in Lettere Classiche, ha fatto il dottorato nell’Istituto Patristico Augustinianum di Roma con una tesi su Tertulliano.  The…

Bibliotheca Pretiosa: new additions.

The PLGO Community is adding some contents to the Bibliotheca Pretiosa. Our goal is provide, through our own server & domain, all the contents available in the Scribd account. At this time, the items available through the Scribd service count 4,287, between books and articles, in the future, we hope…

Chrysostomika : studi e ricerche intorno a S. Giovanni Crisostomo. 1908.

Chrysostomika : studi e ricerche intorno a S. Giovanni Crisostomo (1908) Subject: John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407; John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407; Fathers of the church Publisher: Roma : Libreria Pustet Language: Italian Call number: 35101070 Digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto Book contributor: PIMS – University of Toronto Collection: pimslibrary;…

Online Resources for Peshitta

The purpose of this page is to concentrate in one place, resources found on the internet that relate to the Aramaic Bible in his best-known version, the Peshitta. The Peshitta (Syriac: ܦܫܝܛܬܐ‎ for “simple, common, straight, vulgate”, Arabic:”بسيطة”, sometimes called the Syriac Vulgate) is the standard version of the Bible…

Alin Suciu: Pachomian Bibliography.

Alin Suciu is working in his website, on a Pachomian Bibliography. Is mostly, a usable and practical bibliography, where are listed the most important sources about St. Pachomius, in a wide range of perspectives, languages and points of view. This bibliography includes not only old and well known sources, the…