Filologia Neotestamentaria
The FILOLOGÍA NEOTESTAMENTARIA journal is the result of initiative taken at the Chair of Greek Philology of the Department of Antiquities of the University of Córdoba. Within its Scope lies every aspect of New Testament Greek philology, namely textual criticism, grammar, semantics, lexicography and eventually semiotics and its relationship with Classical or Hellenistic Greek.
It is published in Córdoba (Spain) by EDICIONES EL ALMENDRO DE CÓRDOBA, SL twice a year (May and Novembre).
Vol 20 (2007)
Vol 19 (2006)
Vol 18 (2005)
Vol 17 (2004)
Vol 16 (2003)
Vol 15 (2002)
Vol 14 (2001)
Vol 13 (2000)
Vol 12 (1999)
Vol 11 (1998)
Vol 10 (1997)
Vol 9 (1996)
Vol 8 (1995)
Vol 7 (1994)