Book. Cureton. Spicilegium syriacum: Containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose and Mara Bar Serapion. 1855.

Spicilegium syriacum: Containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose and Mara Bar Serapion. by William Cureton Publication date: 1855 Collection: internetarchivebooks Contributor: Internet Archive Language: English Item Size: 403.0M Identifier: spicilegiumsyria0000unse Identifier-ark: ark:/13960/s2mt19j8pq1 Metasource_catalog: openlibrary Ocr: tesseract 5.3.0-6-g76ae Nitria in the year 1843. It is now numbered 14,658 amongst the Additional…

Budge. The book of governors [by Thomas, Bishop of Marga]. Volumes 1 & 2. 1893

The book of governors by Thomas, Bishop of Marga Editor, translator Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir, 1857-1934 Publication date 1893 Topics Beth Abbe (Nestorian monastery), Nestorian Church — History Publisher London : K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd. Collection majorityworldcollection; Princeton; americana Digitizing sponsor Princeton Theological…

Scripta veterum latina de una persona et duabus naturis Domini et Servatoris nostri Iesu Christi, adversus Nestorium, Eutychen & Acephalos olim aedita [Hrsg.: Josias Simmler]. 1571.

Scripta veterum latina de una persona et duabus naturis Domini et Servatoris nostri Iesu Christi, adversus Nestorium, Eutychen & Acephalos olim aedita  Hrsg.: Josias Simmler Imprint Tiguri : excudebat Christophorus Froschouerus, anno 1571 Description [12] Bl. (letztes leer), 211, [1] Bl. (leer) 32 cm (2°) Bibliographical reference VD 16 S…

Online Resources for Peshitta

The purpose of this page is to concentrate in one place, resources found on the internet that relate to the Aramaic Bible in his best-known version, the Peshitta. The Peshitta (Syriac: ܦܫܝܛܬܐ‎ for “simple, common, straight, vulgate”, Arabic:”بسيطة”, sometimes called the Syriac Vulgate) is the standard version of the Bible…

Alin Suciu: Pachomian Bibliography.

Alin Suciu is working in his website, on a Pachomian Bibliography. Is mostly, a usable and practical bibliography, where are listed the most important sources about St. Pachomius, in a wide range of perspectives, languages and points of view. This bibliography includes not only old and well known sources, the…

Robinson. Texts and studies: contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature. 1891.

Texts and studies : contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature (1891) Author: Robinson, J. Armitage (Joseph Armitage), 1858-1933 Subject: Ambrosiaster; Palladius, Bishop of Aspuna, d. ca. 430; Euthalius; Athanasian Creed; Egyptian Church Order; Nicene Creed; Bible; Bible; Codex purpureus petropolitanus; Liturgies Publisher: Cambridge : University Press Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT…

Batiffol, Duval. Anciennes littératures chrétiennes. 1907.

Anciennes littératures chrétiennes (1907) Author: Batiffol, Pierre, 1861-1929; Duval, Rubens, 1839-1911 Volumes: 2 Subject: Christian literature, Early — History and criticism; Syriac literature — History and criticism; Greek literature, Hellenistic — History and criticism Publisher: Paris : V. Lecoffre Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language: French Call number: AKF-0523 Digitizing sponsor:…

Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: S. Ephræm. Opera Omnia. [Caillau, Guillon Ed.]. 1832.

Collectio Selecta SS. Ecclesiæ Patrum. Patres Quarti Ecclesiæ Sæculi: S. Ephræm. Opera Omnia. Accurantibus A. B. Caillau et M. N. S. Guillon.1832.   Author: Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373 Volumes: 8 Publisher: Parisiis : apud Méquignon-Havard Language: Latin Call number: ALF-9140 Digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto Book contributor: PIMS – University…

Anecdota Oxoniensia: Semitic Series. 1882-1913.

Anecdota Oxoniensia. Texts, Documents And Extracts Chiefly From Manuscripts In The Bodleian And Other Oxford Libraries. Semitic Series. The Anecdota Oxoniensia comprise materials, chiefly inedited, taken direct from MSS., particularly those preserved in the Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries. These materials fall into five classes: (i) unpublished texts and documents,…