Patrologia Orientalis Tomus I

This day i have uploaded the bind of the Patrologia Orientalis Tomus I to IA. The item can be directly downloaded here. Note that: This binding with the 5 fascicules of the first volume of the Patrologia Orientalis has been realized by the Patrologia’s Group in Yahoo. Specially i like…

Patrologia Graeca: Volumes I, II and III

The first 3 volumes of the Migne’s Patrologia Graeca has been released in IA. They are registered in the Open Source Books, outside the great projects like the UOFT and the American Libraries. Note each one has +- 200 megas of size. Patrologia Graeca vol. 1 Patrologia Graeca a Jacques…

Mai: Novae patrum bibliothecae

This Corpus is being added to the IA database. Has few volumes at this time, but probably the next days some other can be digitized, and shared by that great team. Novae patrum bibliothecae (1852) Author: Mai, Angelo, 1782-1854 Subject: Christian literature, Early Publisher: Romae : Typis Sacri Consilii Propagando…

Patrologia Orientalis Tomus Primus

The volume can be downloaded via RapidShare here: —– *** —– This binding with the 5 fascicules of the first volume of the Patrologia Orientalis has been realized by and for the Patrologia’s Group in Yahoo.Specially i like to thank Pilipos for share with us the information about theplace…