Les martyrologes historiques du Moyen-Âge : étude sur la formation du martyrologe romain Author: Quentin, Henri, 1872-1935 Publication date: 1908 Topics: Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735, Florus, of Lyons, d. 860, Ado,…
Category: Collections/Series
Book. Blanch. Epifanio de Chipre – PANARION Libro I volúmenes I-III (bilingüe). 2019-2020.
Epifanio de Chipre PANARION O El Botiquín contra todas las herejías (EDICIÓN BILINGÜE) Traducción, notas y comentarios de CARLOS ANDRÉS BLANCH Universidad Nacional de Villa María Centro de Filología Clásica y Moderna…
Nota in pede. Gaëlle Jeanmart. Que faisait Dieu avant de faire le ciel et la terre ? 2006.
Dans le livre XI, le problème du temps est abordé en corrélation directe avec celui de la création. La première problématisation de ce concept de temps, le premier dilemme ou la première…
Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis.
The Internet Archive with the collaboration of Kahle/Austin Foundation [Digitizing sponsor] released several volumes of the Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis, taken directly from the “Trent University Library Donation“. The…
San Isidoro de Sevilla. Etimologías. [Edición bilingüe, tomos I y II]. BAC. 1982.
SAN ISIDORO DE SEVILLA ETIMOLOGÍAS EDICIÓN BILINGÜE Texto latino, versión española y notas por José Oroz Reta Catedrático de Filología Latina Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca y Manuel-A. Marcos Casquero Profesor numerario de…
Solano. Textos eucarísticos primitivos. Vols. I & II. 1952.
Textos eucarísticos primitivos Edición bilingüe de los contenidos en la Sagrada Escritura y los Santos Padres Author Solano, Jesús Publication date 1952 Topics Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Supper Publisher Madrid: B.A.C….
Sparrow-Simpson. The letters of St. Augustine. 1919
The letters of St. Augustine Author Sparrow-Simpson, W. J. (William John), 1859-1952 Publication date 1919 Topics Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo Publisher London : Society for promoting Christian knowledge ; New York…
Baehrens. [GCS 33]. Origenes Werke Bd. VIII: Homilien zu Samuel I, zum Hohelied und zu den Propheten. 1925.
Origenes Werke Bd. VIII: Homilien zu Samuel I, zum Hohelied und zu den Propheten. Kommentar zum Hohelied, in Rufins und Hieronymus’ Übersetzung. (GCS 33). Author: Origen; Baehrens, Wilhelm A., 1885-1929 Publication…
Robinson. Texts and studies: contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature. Volume 1. 1891.
Previously announced here, the 4 issues of the first volume has been published by Internet Archive, and may be now accessed through the Bibliotheca Pretiosa and Scribd too. 3 items has been…
Fabricius. Bibliotheca latina mediæ et infimæ aetatis, cum supplemento Christiani Schoettgenii. 1754.
Bibliotheca latina mediæ et infimæ aetatis, cum supplemento Christiani Schoettgenii. Editio prima italica a p. Joanne Dominico Mansi … e MSS. editisque codicibus correcta, illustrata, aucta .. (1754) Author: Fabricius, Johann Albert,…
De Montfaucon. Sancti Athanasii Archiepiscopi Alexandrini Opera dogmatica selecta. 1853.
Sancti Athanasii Archiepiscopi Alexandrini Opera dogmatica selecta (1853) Author: Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 373; Montfaucon, Bernard de, 1655-1741; Thilo, Johann Karl, 1794-1853; Goldhorn, David Johann Heinrich Publisher: Lipsia, Weigel Language:…
Revue de l’Orient Latin. 1893-1902.
Due to some changes and adjustments in our collections, the past November 23, 2012, some documents were deleted in various collections, some of them being deleted completely. Between these, the 9 volumes…