Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Opuscula Praecipua Quaedam (1840)

SCRIPTORUM ECCLESIASTICORUM OPUSCULA PRAECIPUA QUAEDAM. RECENSUIT, NOTASQUE SUAS ET ALIORUM ADDIDIT, MARTINUS JOSEPHUS ROUTH, S. T. P. COLLEGII S. MAGDALENAE OXON. PRAESES. EDITIO TERTIA. OXONII, E TYPOGRAPHEO ACADEMICO M. DCCC.XLVIII. Available via Internet Archive: Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum opuscula praecipua quaedam (1840) Author: Routh, Martin Joseph, 1755-1854 Subject: Christian literature, Early; Fathers…

Origen: Hexapla.

Available in Rapidshare, the two versions of the Field, Frederick edition. Included too “A handy concordance of the Septuagint : giving various readings from codices Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus, and Ephraemi, with an appendix of words from Origen’s hexapla, etc., not found in the above manuscripts (1887)”. Available via Rapidshare, here:…

Venerabilis Beda

This day, P. Stefan kindly has published in his blog “The Times of Bede: Studies in Early English Christian Society and Its Historian“, by Patrick Wormald. Among this great work, in Internet Archive are some other volumes about the life and writings of Beda. Some of they: The venerable Bede…


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Revue de l’Orient Chrétien

Thought the past July month, the Internet Archive has published 29 volumes of the ‘Revue de l’Orient Chrétien’. The series includes numbers from 1 to 30, but the 13 has been not added yet. You can see the complete list of digitized volumes in this same website, here. Please note…

Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae

Recientemente, Roger Pearse incluyó en su website una lista muy completa sobre este corpus. Dicha lista, indicó, fue tomada íntegramente de ‘Les Cigales éloquentes‘, y consta en su mayoría de volúmenes publicados previamente en el sistema de Googlebooks. En las últimas semanas, ha publicado sus propios trabajos de digitalización…

[Offtopic] The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn from the secret Archives of the Vatican and other original sources; from the German (1891)

Finally this big work of Ludwig Pastor in the English translation is available via Internet Archive. 40 volumes are fully available, with the great quality and easy accessibility we can found in this site. You can make an search with the next string to find all the IA volumes, letting…