Venerabilis Beda
This day, P. Stefan kindly has published in his blog “The Times of Bede: Studies in Early English Christian Society and Its Historian“, by Patrick Wormald.
Among this great work, in Internet Archive are some other volumes about the life and writings of Beda. Some of they:
The venerable Bede – Browne, G. F. (George Forrest), 1833-1930.
Natale Sancti Gregorii papae = Aelfric’s Anglo-Saxon homily on the birthday of St. Gregory and collateral extracts from King Alfred’s version of Bede’s ecclesiastical history and from the Saxon chronicle, with a full rendering into English, notes critical and explanatory and an index of stems and forms – Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham.
Selections from the Old English Bede, with text and vocabulary on an early West Saxon basis, and a skeleton outline of Old English accidence – Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
Be domes daege, De die judicii : an Old English version of the Latin poem ascribed to Bede – Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735. Includes bibliographical references and index.
[The minor historical works of Venerable Bede] – Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735
The life of Bede — The book of the life and miracles of St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne — Lives of the holy abbots of Weremouth and Jarrow — Life of the holy confessor Saint Felix — Life of Saint Vedast, bishop of Arras — Letters of the Venerable Bede — Of the seven wonders of the world — The book of holy places — Appendix: A narrative of the translation of the body of St. Cuthbert from Lindisfarne to Durham — A chronicle of the six ages of the world.
Itinera hierosolymitana et descriptiones Terrae Sanctae bellis sacris anteriora & latina lingua exarata sumptibus Societatis illustrandis Orientis latini monumentis (1879)
Author: Tobler, Titus, 1806-1877; Molinier, Auguste Emile Louis Marie, 1851-1904; Kohler, Charles Alfred, 1854-1917; Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20; Paula, Saint, 347-404; Eustochium, Saint, 370?-419; Eucherius, Saint, bp. of Lyons; Theodosius, pilgrim, 6th century; Arculfus, bp., 7th century; Beda Venerabilis, 673-735; Willibald, Saint, bp. of Eichstatt, 700 (ca)-781; Bernard, the Wise, 9th century.
Lives of the first five abbots of Wearmouth & Jarrow : Benedict, Ceolfrid, Eosterwine, Sigfrid, and Huetbert – Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
Nota: The Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland have other titles about Bede, mainly manuscripts, available with this link.