Le Nain de Tillemont. Mémoires pour servir a l’histoire écclésiastique des six premiers siècles. (Published:) 1693-1712.

Mémoires pour servir a l’histoire écclésiastique des six premiers siècles, justifiez par les citations des auteurs originaux, avec une chronologie où l’on fait un abrégé de l’histoire ecclésiastique et profane et des notes pour éclaircir les difficultez des faits et de la chronologie Author: Le Nain de Tillemont, Louis Sébastien, 1637-1698…

Bibliotheca Pretiosa: Error 2048.

Dear Friends: We’ve noticed an error displaying documents in the pages dynamically generated with the Scribd Api. This due to the usage of the now outdated API V. 1, which must be replaced with the API v. 2, to allow native management of all the HTML5 features. Among this, we…

Quote. Robert M. Grant. ‘Early Christians and Animals’, Ch. 4, “Alexandrians and the Phisiologus”, 3: Clement. 1999.

The primary work of Clement of Alexandria, in eight books, was his Stromateis or Miscellanies. Like Aelian, he used a good source (an epitome of Aristotle’s History of Animals by Aristophanes of Byzantium), but added a good deal of erudite nonsense. As an Alexandrian, Clement is naturally concerned with Egyptian…

Vizmanos. Las vírgenes cristianas de la iglesia primitiva : estudio histórico-ideológico seguido de una antología de tratados patrísticos sobre la virginidad. 1949.

Las vírgenes cristianas de la iglesia primitiva : estudio histórico-ideológico seguido de una antología de tratados patrísticos sobre la virginidad (1949) Author: Vizmanos, Francisco de B Subject: Virginity; Christian literature, Early Publisher: Madrid : La Editoral Católica Language: Spanish Call number: BV4647.C5 V46 1949 Digitizing sponsor: Princeton Theological Seminary Library…

Porcel. La doctrina monástica de San Gregorio Magno y la “Regula monachorum”. 1950.

La doctrina monástica de San Gregorio Magno y la “Regula monachorum” (1950) Author: Porcel, Olegario Maria, 1914- Subject: Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604; Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino; Monasticism and religious orders Publisher: [Madrid] : Instituto “Enrique Florez,” Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, [1950] Language: Spanish Call number: BX1076…

Grützmacher. Hieronymus : eine biographische Studie zur alten Kirchengeschichte. 1901.

Hieronymus : eine biographische Studie zur alten Kirchengeschichte (August 1901) Author: Grützmacher, Georg, 1866- Volumes: 3 Subject: Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20; Church history Publisher: Leipzig : Dieterich Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language: German Call number: AEQ-0286 Digitizing sponsor: msn Book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto Collection: robarts;…

Fabricius. Bibliotheca latina mediæ et infimæ aetatis, cum supplemento Christiani Schoettgenii. 1754.

Bibliotheca latina mediæ et infimæ aetatis, cum supplemento Christiani Schoettgenii. Editio prima italica a p. Joanne Dominico Mansi … e MSS. editisque codicibus correcta, illustrata, aucta .. (1754) Author: Fabricius, Johann Albert, 1668-1736; Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, Antonio, conte, 1843-1913, former owner. IU-R; Schöttgen, Christian, 1687-1751; Mansi, Giovan Domenico, 1692-1769…