Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis.

The Internet Archive with the collaboration of Kahle/Austin Foundation [Digitizing sponsor] released several volumes of the Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis, taken directly from the “Trent University Library Donation“. The project in its current status does not include the whole collections from the Corpus Christianorum, but the page…

San Isidoro de Sevilla. Etimologías. [Edición bilingüe, tomos I y II]. BAC. 1982.

SAN ISIDORO DE SEVILLA ETIMOLOGÍAS EDICIÓN BILINGÜE Texto latino, versión española y notas por José Oroz Reta Catedrático de Filología Latina Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca y Manuel-A. Marcos Casquero Profesor numerario de Filología Latina Universidad de Salamanca INTRODUCCIÓN GENERAL POR MANUEL C. DIAZ Y DIAZ Catedrático de Filología Latina Universidad…

Möhler. La patrologie, ou Histoire littéraire des trois premiers siècles de l’Eglise Chrétienne. Volumes I & II. 1843.

La patrologie, ou Histoire littéraire des trois premiers siècles de l’Eglise Chrétienne Oeuvre posthume de J.-A. Moehler, publiée par F.-X. Reithmayer, Professeur extraordinaire de Théologie a l’Université Louis-Maximilien, à Munich, Traduite de l’allemand Par Jean Cohen, Bibliothécaire à Sainte-Geneviève. PARIS. Debécourt, Libraire-Éditeur, Rue des Saints-Péres, 64. 1843. Author Möhler, Johann…

Budge. The book of governors [by Thomas, Bishop of Marga]. Volumes 1 & 2. 1893

The book of governors by Thomas, Bishop of Marga Editor, translator Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir, 1857-1934 Publication date 1893 Topics Beth Abbe (Nestorian monastery), Nestorian Church — History Publisher London : K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd. Collection majorityworldcollection; Princeton; americana Digitizing sponsor Princeton Theological…

Bugde. The history of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at. Vols. 1 and 2. 1899.

The history of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at. Author Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir, 1857-1934; Philotheus, deacon of the country of the East, fl. 5th cent.? Publication date 1899 Topics Mary,…

Solano. Textos eucarísticos primitivos. Vols. I & II. 1952.

Textos eucarísticos primitivos Edición bilingüe de los contenidos en la Sagrada Escritura y los Santos Padres Author Solano, Jesús Publication date 1952 Topics Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Supper Publisher Madrid: B.A.C. Collection majorityworldcollection; Princeton; americana Digitizing sponsor Princeton Theological Seminary Library Contributor Princeton Theological Seminary Library Language Polyglot Volume…

Sparrow-Simpson. The letters of St. Augustine. 1919

The letters of St. Augustine Author  Sparrow-Simpson, W. J. (William John), 1859-1952 Publication date 1919 Topics Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo Publisher London : Society for promoting Christian knowledge ; New York : Macmillan Collection pimslibrary; toronto Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor PIMS – University of Toronto Language English Includes bibliographical…