Online Resources for Peshitta

The purpose of this page is to concentrate in one place, resources found on the internet that relate to the Aramaic Bible in his best-known version, the Peshitta. The Peshitta (Syriac: ܦܫܝܛܬܐ‎ for “simple, common, straight, vulgate”, Arabic:”بسيطة”, sometimes called the Syriac Vulgate) is the standard version of the Bible…

Alin Suciu: Pachomian Bibliography.

Alin Suciu is working in his website, on a Pachomian Bibliography. Is mostly, a usable and practical bibliography, where are listed the most important sources about St. Pachomius, in a wide range of perspectives, languages and points of view. This bibliography includes not only old and well known sources, the…

Anecdota Oxoniensia: Semitic Series. 1882-1913.

Anecdota Oxoniensia. Texts, Documents And Extracts Chiefly From Manuscripts In The Bodleian And Other Oxford Libraries. Semitic Series. The Anecdota Oxoniensia comprise materials, chiefly inedited, taken direct from MSS., particularly those preserved in the Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries. These materials fall into five classes: (i) unpublished texts and documents,…

Brockelmann. Geschichte der christlichen Litteraturen des Orients. 1909.

Geschichte der christlichen Litteraturen des Orients (1909) Author: Brockelmann, Carl, 1868-1956 Subject: Semitic literature — History and criticism; Armenian literature — History and criticism; Christian literature — History and criticism Publisher: Leipzig C.F. Amelangs Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language: German Call number: ABE-8492 Digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto Book contributor:…

Clemens XI, Innocens XIII, Assemanus. Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana. 1719-1728.

Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana: in qua manuscriptos codices Syriacos, Arabicos, Persicos, Turcicos, Hebraicos, Samaritanos, Armenicos, Aethiopicos, Graecos, Aegyptiacos, Ibericos, & Malabaricos, jussu et munificentia Clementis XI ex Oriente conquisitos, comparatos, avectos, & Bibliothecae Vaticanae addictos. Romae: Typis Sacrae Congragationis de Propaganda Fide, 1719-1728 T. 1. De scriptoribus Syris orthodoxis T. 2.…

Patrologia Orientalis. Tomus I. Au lecteur.

COMME nous n’avons déjà annoncé, c’est au Congrès des Orientalistes tenu à Paris en 1897, qu’encouragé par le bienveillant concours d’un certain nombre de nos amis, nous avons entrepris de publier, sous le titre de Patrologia Orientalis, un ensemble de textes écrits en arabe, en copte, en éthiopien aussi bien…

Some oriental works in Internet Archive.

Maybe of interest of someone, today i found this in IA: Dogme et spiritualité chez saint Cyrille d’Alexandrie [microform] The Armenian version of Revelation Later treatises of S. Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria: with notes, and an appendix of S. Cyril of Alexandria and Theodoret Les plérophories de…

Revue de l’Orient Chrétien

Thought the past July month, the Internet Archive has published 29 volumes of the ‘Revue de l’Orient Chrétien’. The series includes numbers from 1 to 30, but the 13 has been not added yet. You can see the complete list of digitized volumes in this same website, here. Please note…

Patrologia Orientalis Tomus I

This day i have uploaded the bind of the Patrologia Orientalis Tomus I to IA. The item can be directly downloaded here. Note that: This binding with the 5 fascicules of the first volume of the Patrologia Orientalis has been realized by the Patrologia’s Group in Yahoo. Specially i like…